Sunday 22 February 2015

Read this inspiring post about Nigerian soldiers

I saw this very touching post on facebook about our Nigerian soldiers, they really deserve our prayers and appreciation. A lot of them die daily fighting the battles of this nations. See the post below;
Part of what you do as a patriot is support the troops who have signed on to give their lives for you. You don't insult those who have signed away their lives to fight and die for the nation if the need arises. You sleep in your cozy beds while they sleep in trenches. I was at the airport in Atlanta last year, and because I look a little bit athletic, one old lady thought I was in the US Marines. She started thanking me profusely for my services to the nation until I told her I was not a Marine. Again at the airport in St Louis, I got a discount because the guy selling drinks thought I was a Marine. When I told him to reverse it, he refused. That is how much Americans value the sacrifices of their servicemen. Is it too much to ask this of Nigerians? Remember, soldiers are not your government. They are your servants.

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