Thursday 2 April 2015

"5 Healthy Choices You Should Make in Your 20s" - ENB Living Effective Tips

Article not written by me.

I like to feel like the twenty something year old has a lot of time to make some critical decisions before he/she hits the thirties. Considering the fact that i'm also in my mid 20's, I think this is quite inspiring. When you are in your early twenties, you realize that you have less to worry about, which presents a lot of time that can be used to harness some strengths that will be beneficial in the future. Experts will tell you it is the period when you can adopt some habits and stick to them. It is actually important to use this formative period to build life long habits that you may not be able to force down later. You know what they say? Practice makes perfect. Now is the better time to practice. Continue...

Take Care of Your Skin
This is the best time to find products that works for your skin and body. Experiment if you need to, you are more likely to be able to get away with it now than later. Avoid excessive pulling on your skin and try to stay off products that clog your pores and weigh your skin down as much as you can.

Building endurance and strength only comes by practicing. You will benefit a lot in future by attaining a high level of cardio-fitness and muscular strength. With this, you can continue to keep up a lifestyle of exercising when people of your age are usually discouraged by excess fatigue that comes with aging and going through life’s demands.

Adopt a Healthy Sleep Cycle
Finding those things that help you sleep better will be quite beneficial throughout your life. A lot of people have to deal with sleeping disorders these days. Chances are that if you succeed in building a good circadian rhythm now, your body will adapt to it and this will help you fall asleep faster when you get to those periods where you have a lot of worries that tend to induce insomnia.

Manage Weight Disorders
If you allow yourself to grow fat now, you are definitely going to keep adding weight as you grow. Try to keep the little amounts in check so it doesn’t get out of hand. People tend to add weight as they grow older. Don’t allow it to become overwhelming when you are least prepared to combat it.

Find a Recreational Activity
Find something you love and try to make it a part of you. It’s always good to know exactly how to relax to ease the excessive tension when the need arises. Find people that share similar interests as you and have them in your circles. It is easier to motivate yourself through others for the days you are not in the mood. And we all know it is not as easy to build new friendships when everyone has several things that take up their time.

Owkay, let me add my own point to this article;

Cultivate the habit of Reading
Like i always say, you are what you feed your mind. I think reading is one of the fastest way to grow. We cannot dispute the fact that knowledge is power and as we grow old we tend to find ourselves in positions where we need to apply the knowledge we have. Personally, on the average i think a book every week or two is owkay. Developing the mind is very necessary in other to live effective.

Whatever you do, remember you are trying to build habits that will last for a lifetime.
About Janyl Benyl [Writter of this inspiring piece]

Janyl Benyl is a lifestyle blogger, creative writer, a health consultant and advocate. She is a Nigerian, currently sojourning in the UK where she is pursuing a career in Public Health. JB, as she is fondly called, is a lady with many talents. You can find her on her personal blog where she shares most of her interests - (or and on most social media sites linking in with @janylbenyl

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