Wednesday 1 April 2015

Boko haram releases Video Congratulating Gen. Buhari on his victory [A MUST SEE VIDEO]
The leader of the Boko Haram sect, Shekau today morning released a 2 min video to Channels Tv. In the video he addressed the nation saying that they "BH guys" are glad that the incumbent President was not re-elected. He also took a time out to congratulate the President-elect, Gen. Buhari on his victory at the polls. See the video after the cut....

Hehehhheeehee... LAMFAO... LOL... ROTFLLL.... Wait a minute...
Don,t tell me you dont know today is Happy April fools day!
Anyways, I got you big time!
+ Wishing you and your family a happy New month. I prophesy good health, long life and plenty favor from God and Men for you and your family member this month of April. Stay Blessed!!!

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