Monday 6 April 2015

"Muhx Corner: Reflections [Part I]" - Musa Dauda

In the last days of this past month, I had set myself to the task of writing a script for a stage production I was involved with. Quite remarkably, the eventual outcome of that endeavor was a title drama the same as the article you're reading. However, unlike the very few cases of art imitating life, this particular plot, the one you're about to be immersed in, has more far-reaching, devastating implications than the twists and intrigues of a 15-minute, three-dimensional, audio-visual, creatively inspired expression. This is not a movie, it's the true story of the tumultuous political and electioneering ordeal my dear country had been through, and just survived. . . or did it. Continue after the cut...

Once upon a time, certain factions of the nation's elite who seemed to have a more rational, yet idealistic sense of political reasoning came up with a brilliant idea to curb the dissatisfaction that arose from unfounded feelings of marginalization of certain sectarian and intrinsically regional-minded 'citizens' (who had experienced the oppression of colonialists) by the ruling class. 

Their simple, though fundamentally flawed solution to the rising power struggle was what eventually became known as ZONING. So, how did so simple a solution become the greatest catalyst for segregation, and a "right-to-rule" mentality which has controlled the actions and decisions of those in the political domain of our nation? The problem starts with two of the most basic human character traits: MOTIVES AND THOUGHTS 

At a certain time last year, I had the opportunity to listen to an African-American woman give a profoundly truthful expose' on the impact that these two simple natural instincts have on our everyday life in relation to ourselves and to other humans. So sobering was the effect of that highly inspiring, word picture audio expression, a highly elaborate art form known as SPOKEN WORD (contemporary poetry), that it kept me thinking for days. But let's not digress too far, for this burden I've borne is burning to be born, so let's travel through the scenes as we revisit the sins that our "heroes past" committed when the war was over.

About Musa Dauda
Musa Dauda is a student currently studying Mech. Engr. at A.B.U Zaria. He is a passionate writer and has his ways with words.

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