Wednesday 6 May 2015

"Finding Myself" - ENB Living Effective

Article not written by me but it's quite interesting. Read below...
Finding myself at 30, at least that is what I’ll call it. In a few weeks, I‘ll be hitting the big 3-0. *sigh. The thought alone is making me depressed and unhappy. I have what many would call a great life; wonderful husband, two beautiful kids and a great job. You see here lies the problem, I have all this but I was not fulfilled, I felt I had not really achieved my goals. Life is funny isn’t it and it just takes a dramatic turn when we least expect it to.
I saw my path when my husband asked me to organise a small dinner party to host his friends. My husband knows I love to cook. My passion for cooking began early. As little as 9, I was inquisitive to learn how to make gourmet dishes from my grandmother.She was quite the cook and she was so creative with food. It was when I catered for my own wedding that I realized that my true professional desire was to become a chef.

The journey to finding myself did not start right away though, Ihad about 10 years of boring 8-4 in the banking industry. Trust me, I grew up the career ladder remarkably but I wasn’t fulfilled. Anyway back to the dinner party I catered to, don’t mind me I seem to digress sometimes.My husband & his friends encouraged me to go fully into what I love which is cooking. One of his friends encouraged me to get professional training. I did my research and found out about the Swiss Education Group. They offerundergraduate and post graduate programs in hospitality and tourism, international hospitality management, business administration, culinary arts and management, hospitality and design management, events management and many more.

I had internship opportunities that afforded me experience in top notch hospitality organisations.

Today, I have my own business, call the shots and I am much happier & fulfilled. Even the kids say I am a less grumpy mummy.

Oh, my name is Bimpe and I have found myself.

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