The Julieana Ali train a Nigerian child team is imploring the help of the public to send in names of such pupil/student who is likely not going to be able continue the current school session.
We will call them in for an interview, and the selected ones will also be released on line. All you need to do is send in the following details to info@trainanigerianchild.com
- Name of pupil/student
- Name of school
- Current class
- Parent/guardian’s name
- Phone number
- Address
For more information visit www.trainanigerianchild.com
Like us on www.facebook.com/tainanigerianchild
About Us
Julieana Ali Train a Nigerian Child Foundation is a non-for-profit organization founded in 2014 with the objective of helping bright pupils/students to realize their dreams of receiving an education where resources are limited. We work towards this goal by providing scholarships to highly motivated underprivileged children who have scored well in their studies. We meet such needs in other to take the child’s mind off uncertainty of completing the current school session, and helping them to focus on their school grades with all resources to be at the top of their class provided to them by the foundation.
About the Founder
Julieana Ali owns a real estate development firm, a Lebanese restaurant and also launching an entrepreneurial empowerment competition in January 2015. She believes that education is one of the core values we can give to the younger generation. The foundation was birthed as a result of meeting bright young individuals who have dropped out of school due to finances and were left with no option than to learn a trade. These smart young intellects are aspiring to be great in life and most probably end up as a powerhouse in whatever field they find themselves in, but the present economy situation in the country isn’t making it possible. Ali’s obligation is to go out there and help these bright young ones to achieve their dreams, goals and objectives by seeing them through primary, secondary, and in a possible future their tertiary education.
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