Thursday 8 January 2015

Burnt Mosques and Fresh Terror Attack As Female Police Shot Dead In Paris France

Female police officer shot dead in Paris and male colleague injured by ‘North African wielding assault rifle and wearing bullet-proof vest'

A female police officer has been shot dead and her colleague left injured in the second attack to hit Paris in less than 24 hours.
The officer, who has not been named, died this morning following the shooting in Montrouge, in the south of the city.

Her male colleague was also injured in the attack.
Both officers had been described by a police source as being in a 'very serious condition' after the shooting.
It follows the massacre which claimed 12 lives including those of two police at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices on Wednesday.
Today shots rang out in Montrouge at the start of the morning rush hour, with an M5 assault rifle believed to have been used.

Witnesses saw what appeared to a collision between two cars, followed by two men appearing with the weapon.
William Thomas, a 19-year-old who lives close to this morning's attack, said: 'I was woken up by the first three shots.
'Then I heard someone shout "Take That" and there were another two shots. It was before 8am.'
The automatic gunfire was followed by the arrival of numerous special operations police, accompanied by emergency services.
A man who appeared to be of North African origin was seen running away from the scene. He was thought to be wearing a bullet proof vest.

Source: DailyMail

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