Friday 2 January 2015

Top 10 quotes about relationship & marriage to get you started in 2015

So the new year is finally here and perhaps you’re looking to find more happiness in your relationship and spice up your love life. This year you can achieve all that and more.

Whether you’re looking to start the year on a fresh note or grow in your current relationship, these are 10 top quotes you can learn from.

1. Oprah Winfrey

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”

It matters a lot to be with someone who’s chosen you, not because of the things you have, but because they really love you and want to be with you. It’s not easy to find people like that, but they’re the ones who stick around even during adversity.

2. Amy Grant

“Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect. If it’s not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long.”

Respect is very important for relationship. Relationships work better and have less problems when both partners have respect for each other.

3. Taylor Swift

“In a relationship, each person should support the other. They should lift each other up.”

Partners who look out for each other and see it as their duty to support each other are more likely to have a lasting relationship. Relationship is chiefly about support.

4. Woody Allen

“A relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies.”

Love takes effort to develop, so leaving the relationship to take care of itself doesn’t cut it. People need to make the effort to keep propelling their relationship forward and keep strengthening their relationship.

5. Anthony Robbins

“Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that many people enter into a relationship in order to get something. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.”

It’s not great to have a partner who’s overly concerned about themselves and who behaves like the relationship is about them. Relationship is a two-way thing. Successful relationships involve people who really care about each other and want to do things for each other, not people who’re mainly in the relationship for themselves.

6. Helen Mirren

“The great marriages are partnerships. It can’t be a great marriage without being a partnership.”

In this part of the world, many believe their woman should be subordinate to them and many women accept this too. It’s convention. But relationships work best when two people relate with each other as two partners, not as a head and a second fiddle.

7. Doug Larson

“More marriages might survive if the partners realised that sometimes the better comes after the worse.”

Relationship needs patience and forbearance. Sometimes when the relationship looks most rocky, it could be a chance for the couple to strengthen their bond and come out as a better couple.

8. Hermann Hesse

“It is not our purpose to become each other. It is to recognise each other, to learn to see the other and honour him for what he is.”

A lot of people spend time trying to change their partner to fit their picture of the right man or woman. Maybe this is okay, but sometimes we simply need to learn to love them anyway and let them be their own individual.

9. Sophia Bush

“Marriage is not about age. It’s about finding the right person.”

People rush into the wrong relationships all the time because they feel they’ve reached a certain age and time’s running out on them. But this can be a grave mistake. It may sound impractical to hold on and carefully make the right choice. But how’s that not the best thing to do?

10. Tom Robbins

“We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.”

It’s pretty well known these days that the idea of a perfect lover is illusory. The perfect lover probably doesn’t exist, because no one is perfect. But when we find a person who genuinely loves us and we genuinely love them too, then we’ve got the part that matters the most right.

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