Tuesday 7 April 2015

Apostasy! Man Revises the Bible to Honour Kanye West, Calls it "The Book of Yeezus" [PHOTOS]

In the beginning Kanye created the heaven and the earth.” If you thought we lived in a crazy world, believe,it just got crazier! Recently, a user of peer-to-peer e-commerce website Etsy , decided to make his own bible in honour of Kanye West which he has called The Book Of Yeezus. The Yeezus scripture is described as a revisionist history of Kanye and his holy influence on pop culture. The Book Of Yeezus replaces every mention of God with “Kanye” or “Yeezus”So for instance in the Book of Genesis, it says "In the beginning Kanye created the heaven and the Earth… And Kanye said, Let there be light: and there was light"

The book which retails for $20 also claims that Kanye’s actions as a celebrity and music artiste has created a “religious experience.”We are definitely in the end times! No doubt about it! Babylon is no longer operating in the dark but now they come out in the light to display evil. May God have mercy on this generation. See more photos after the cut...

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