Tuesday 7 April 2015

"Muhx Corner: Reflections [ Part II ]" - Musa Dauda

The subject of MOTIVES and THOUGHTS is one I take very personally, seeing that even our moral and cultural values, shifting as they are, can only go so far to checkmate a person's actions, having little power in itself to "observe and report" one's true state of heart, his intentions.Before anyone realized it, some people started to believe that they had an exclusive right to the seat of power in government, thus creating a pseudo-democratic political state of mind. 

This resulted in the creation of one elaborate scheme after another to plot shady take-overs, giving rise to the mental slavery, unrest and dis-unity that engulfed the citizens of a nation "bound in freedom". ZONING was suppossed to be a political justice system that ensured the automatic handing over of the reigns of power to successive ethno-political factions after a constitutionally stipulated (otherwise prearranged) period of time. continue after the cut...

The fact that these factions even existed was no cause for concern for the political elite, thus effectively blinding them to the impending divisions it would cause. Another thing they failed to see was the sheer impracticability of such a system at national level, even though it was entirely feasible in party politics. However noble the idea that everyone should at least have a taste of power at some point or another, it is not unexpected that certain elements within these factions were only waiting in line for the opportunity that power would give them to realize their own selfish ambitions. The greed that caused them to accumulate wealth for themselves is a lesser evil, for a nation so richly blessed with enough resources to cater for the needs of every citizen. 

The greater evil, which history has proved again and again to be the bane of any civilization, was the laying of the foundation for INJUSTICE, the seed of our destruction.The main reason for the impracticability of ZONING at the national level is the simple, yet indispensable constitutional provision that gives to EVERY citizen the right to vie for any political office AT ANY GIVEN TIME, having met a certain standard criteria; and the right to vote for their candidate of choice, and be voted for into any political office by the majority. To read the part I of "Reflections" CLICK HERE

About Musa Dauda
Musa Dauda is a student currently studying Mech. Engr. at A.B.U Zaria. He is a passionate writer and has his ways with words.

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