Friday 16 August 2013

BBA: "They are making me horny, I won't lie" - Dillish to Melvin

This confession came as the twosome were watching Angelo and Beverly dirty dancing with each other in the Ruby living room. Clearly all of this raunchiness going around was just too much for the

Namibian to bear. She got off the couch and exclaimed to the cameras: "I love you Stephen".
"It's just two more weeks," Melvin tried to console her. But that consolation was not enough, "I cannot hold on anymore," she declared. "I miss my love," she added. Continue after the cut...

It has been almost three months that the Housemates have been cooped up in the House with strangers and there are certain 'frustrations' that come along with being away from your significant other for so long.
Tonight, the young Ruby lady kept repeating "Oh my goodness" to herself as she tried to calm herself down. Melvin tried his best to remind her that they have been through worse and now they are so close to the end. "I am not going to lie, it's worse this week," she admitted. "Shake it off," Melvin told her.
As he was talking; the Namibian made another confession, saying: "Just seeing lips move, you just imagine lips moving somewhere else," she said as the two broke out in a naughty laugh.
So what do you think; was Dillish joking when she said that she can't hold on anymore or is the Ruby lass about to crack?

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