Thursday 11 September 2014

90-year-old lesbian couple dating since World War II finally get married (LOOK)

After dating for 72 years, an American lesbian couple have finally gotten married. Last weekend, the pair, 91-year-old Vivian Boyack, and 90-year-old Alice Dubes, tied the knot in the Iowa, United States, after being in a relationship since 1942. see photo after the cut...

Lesbian couple

They exchanged vows in front of a small group of family and close friends at the First Christian Church in Davenport.

Reverend Linda Hunsaker, who presided over the long-awaited ceremony, told the couple and their guests that, “This is a celebration of something that should have happened a very long time ago.”
The state of Iowa started allowing same-sex marriage in 2009.

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