Monday 22 September 2014

End of Boko Haram? Members surrender weapons in Konduga

Five members of insurgent group, Boko Haram, have reportedly surrendered their weapons to the Nigerian military in Konduga, Borno State.

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) who revealed this on Sunday via its Twitter account, said the five members surrendered their weapons to soldiers on Saturday on the grounds that they could not endure the massive onslaught by troops. continue...

The DHQ also said other captured insurgents are giving useful information on the group’s subsequent attack plans.

On Friday, insurgents attacked a crowded market in Maniok, Borno, killing several people and carting away with foodstuffs and money belonging to the traders after killing about 20 people.
Boko Haram has battled the military in an attempt to seize territories in neighbouring Yobe and Adamawa states.

Witnesses say they been running short of food in the areas they have taken.
On Wednesday the insurgents ambushed a truck carrying grain to Maiduguri outside the nearby village of Ngamdu and looted it before setting it on fire.

Mainok has suffered repeated attacks by Boko Haram. In February 2014, scores were killed there and many homes destroyed by the extremists.

Is Abubakar Shekau dead?
Meanwhile, a source at the Defence Headquarters, on Sunday, revealed that Shekau is among the militants killed by the troops in Konduga, Borno.

In the last few days, there have been several attempts by terrorists to gain entry into Konduga, which the Nigerian troops, have continued to foil.

The intention of that desperate attempt, was for the terrorists to recover the bodies of their prominent fighters, such as Abubakar Shekau and others, who had been killed in previous encounters in Konduga.

In the meantime, the Nigerian troops have begun mopping up operations in the area.
Many members of the Boko Haram are said to be fleeing into Cameroon for safety.

According to a military source, “it is getting more certain that the terrorist’s commander, who has been mimicking Shekau in previous videos, is the one killed at Konduga, on September 17th, as massive relocation of terrorists to seek safe haven in independent locations in Cameroon has been noticed.”

This will not be the first time that Shekau has “been killed”. Officials first believed he had been killed in clashes between the military and Boko Haram militants in 2009. The massive security crackdown followed the July 2009 Boko Haram attacks on police stations in Borno state. Shortly after the attacks, the military succeeded in storming the group’s mosque and school complex in Maiduguri, and capturing Mohammed Yusuf, the group’s then charismatic leader.

However, in a videotaped interview in 2010, which proved that he was still alive, Shekau said he had been shot in the thigh during the fighting with security troops but was rescued by “fellow believers and protected by Allah”.

Two years ago, security officials again thought they had killed him. But he re-emerged shortly after in a video mocking the attempts on his life and threatening the Nigerian state.

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