Sunday 4 August 2013

Worst hangover EVER? Man wakes up to find penis missing after night of drinking… neighbours say a dog ate it

A 64-year-old man has told how he passed out after a heavy night drinking and woke up to find that his penis was missing.

Neighbours of Geraldo Ramos claim that he was attacked by a dog as he stumbled around the Dominican Republic naked while drunk.

But Mr Ramos, of Santiago, doesn't believe their version of events and is none-the-wiser as to how he came to be dismembered.

Recuperating: Mr Ramos was pictured relaxing at home recovering from his horrific injury
He told a local television station that all he remembers is waking up and being rushed to hospital for emergency surgery.

The dog which is said to have attacked him has not been traced, nor indeed has Mr Ramos's penis.

Mr Ramos now has to wear a catheter and was filmed recuperating at his home.

He says that he has learned his lesson – Mr Ramos told Noticias Sin that he is to lay off the drink from now on.

No fear: Despite Mr Ramos's neighbours claiming that he was the victim of a dog attack, the 64-year-old is clearly undeterred from being around canines – he was pictured relaxing with a dog
While the neighbour's dog attack tale may seem a little far fetched, it is not entirely unbelievable.

A paralysed man in Arkansas woke up in July to find that his dog had eaten one of his testicles.

A Brazilian man meanwhile had his toes chewed off by his pet dog.

 And it seems it's not just dog attacks that men should be wary of – a man was rushed to hospital in Israel after a snake bit him on the penis while he was going to the toilet.
Fortunately the snake was not venomous and the man only suffered minor injuries.

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